There's more to Google than just Web searches

To be comfortable using technology, you have to know that you can’t possibly know it all. And I experience this every day! And sometimes we get so accustomed to doing something one way that we don’t search out other, potentially easier and timesaving ways to do the same thing. As an example, here is something I just discovered after looking at the Google Help: Search Features page. (And if you already know about these features, then you are WAY AHEAD of me.) 🙂

I’m sure you know about the Search bar in Google and how to use it to conduct Internet and WWW searches. (And you should know how to create search strings and use operators to maximize these searches, too.) However, did you know that the Google search bar can be used for other quick information, such as calculating numbers, converting currency, getting stock quotes, and definitions. Instead of opening a calculator to perform simply mathematical operations, you can simply type your formula into the Google search bar. If you want to know what 3245 divided by 4 is, for example, just enter 3245/4 in the Search bar and you’ll get the result instantly. (Try it out and see. The answer, BTW is 811.25)

Google calculator

If you want to find the definition to a word, just type in “define” and then the word. For instance, if you want the definition to weblog, you would type in the search bar define weblog. Try it and see how it works.

For stock and fund quotes, simply enter the symbol into the search bar. And for currency conversions, you have several options. If you don’t know about the multiple ways you can use Google to search for information, just go to the Google Help: Search Features page and check it out. You can search full text of certain books, search for scholarly articles, images, street maps, weather, by simply typing in the Google search bar, a time-saving and more efficient way to get information. If you type in “1910 University Drive Boise ID,” Google results with a street map image and a bar that allows you to enter information to get directions. How easy and efficient is that?

Google map

I know it’s hard to teach an old dog new tricks, but try some of these Google features out and let me know what you think. Now if they could just deliver groceries . . .

2 thoughts on “There's more to Google than just Web searches

  1. You may already know this but Google has also completed visually mapping Boise and can now see fairly close, 360 degree views of Boise streets via its “Street View” option.

    Besides its regular map and hybrid functions, “Street View” allows you to see street addresses from, well, the street. Check out the Albertsons Library blog post to see what I mean.


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